Welcome to ASPBAE's YAR E-Manual
In celebration of the International Literacy Day, we at ASPBAE are happy to share with you our online resource platform - Youth-led Action Research (YAR) E-manual. Click here to visit the website.
Since 2016, ASPBAE, in collaboration with the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), has been working with its partners in India, Philippines, and Indonesia to mobilise and train youth researchers from marginalised communities. Over a period of time, with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and DVV International, Germany, ASPBAE's reach expanded to other countries in the region, notably Vanuatu, Timor Leste, Nepal, Mongolia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Through relevant training and mentoring, youth researchers across the Asia Pacific region have started to lead action research in their communities. This has also helped in building knowledge on young people’s educational experiences and learning needs.
With the increase in youth actively engaging in action research, we saw the need for an online platform that can be easily accessible for youth researchers, educators, facilitators, educational practitioners, and advocates. The comprehensive and user-friendly platform emerged from ASPBAE’s continuous engagement with youth with the goal of empowering marginalised young people across the Asia Pacific region and amplifying youth voices to reach national, regional and global policy forums on education and lifelong learning.
While sharing this online resource, we would like to thank and congratulate our young researchers and ASPBAE members for contributing their knowledge and experience to enrich the platform. We would also like to thank the technical team and designers who supported us in making the platform creative and user-friendly.
Warm regards from the ASPBAE Secretariat,
Helen T. Dabu
ASPBAE Secretary-General